Drawing from the study of psychology and the field of financial planning, this book is the careful fusing and blending of psychology and finance to help married couples build for their household a system of dealing with family finances in a healthy and disclosed way that assures the couple and enables them the chance to build in and upward direction their financial net worth.

There are many components to building a great relationship. There are many technical terms, concepts, methods of building your finances. The Money and Marriage system requires the couple to work together to build their finances and shines a light on what happens when one person earns and one person spends there is never a meeting of the minds. The person that earns hopes to hide enough money to make investments to help the couple build a financial future and a means to retirement.

Research has shown that jumping out of bed on a Saturday morning and saying “Hey, Sweetheart let’s talk about our finances”, may be enough to start a fight. Most married couples cannot sit down in the comfort of their home, the quiet of their living room and have a 20 minute discussion about their finances without a fight.

Learning how to have these discussions, finding comfort with each other during financial discussions, and forming an agreement to work together to build their retirement and investment assets is a challenging proposition for most married couples.

  • Growing Your Net Worth
  • The Marriage Relationship
  • Formula for Financial Success
  • Roadblocks to Successful Money Management
  • Financial Freedom
  • Open Your Heart to Finances
  • The Course We Travel Together
  • Planning Your Financial Health
  • Communication
  • Financial Investments
  • The Retirement Years

Enjoy your reading keeping in mind the number one cause of divorce is the money bickering and battling going on in married households.

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