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Money and Marriage series of books were first published in 1996. At that time there were no books on the topic. In looking at the teaching materials at the nation’s largest and best psychology universities there was no book that took a look at the agreed upon, number one cause of divorce in the United States, money bickering, misunderstandings, battles. In the universities that taught psychologists and marriage counselors to deal with relationship issues there was no book that understood the psychology side of the equation and at the same time the money, finance, financial planning side of the equation.
The Money and Marriage books promote financial literacy, money management skills, and draws awareness to gender difference when it comes to deciding what money is, what it is to be used for and who is going to earn the money.
Written and researched by financial services superstar, Steven Pybrum who owns and operates a management consulting, financial planning firm in Santa Barbara, California. The firm is involved with business planning matters, entrepreneurial skills development and teaching people how to earn and invest in such a way so that they continually improve their financial net worth.